Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sick Hubby

I bathed Milo this evening and was going to get ready to bath after that when hubby came home and asked for tylenol. He said he had a massive headache and he headed to shower and quickly lay in bed. Well I wanted to go eat Mexican food today because it's been almost two weeks since we last ate Mexican food so I am missing it. I am assuming that he's not going to want to go out because if it was me I would not want to either and I would not want him to go out and eat with me just because he knows that I want to (he's done that many times before even though he's not feeling well or in a lot of pain).

While he was taking his nap I decided to slowly take my shower and he still didn't feel better. No choice but to go rummage my refrigerator and eat left overs. Hubby made some chili on Sunday so I had some of that and some homemade buns that I made yesterday which I regret for not trying this recipe earlier and making more!

I hope he feels well soon because he's going to have to fly back to his parents place next week and if he's sick I'm afraid that they might think he has swine flu and not allow him to get in the plane. I've already boiled Lo Hon Ko and Honey Dates and made him bring some; I've also been forcing him to eat vitamin C every night. Hopefully he'll eventually feel better! I just don't want him to contaminate me with the darn virus!

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